Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Man in the Garden

Genesis 2:18 - Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” 

Okay. It’s time to be vulnerable. After several conversations with friends, and with the Lord, I think I need to start praying about a helpmate. I’m 32, and I admit, I have the “I’m getting older” anxieties. Reason why I’m writing this is purely for accountability. Things that I don’t expose to the world tend to disappear, and I would pretend as if I never had them.

Who is this man that I am praying for? This is the list that I would like to keep. I do not want to compromise anymore, which I have been doing for decades.
  1. A man who loves the Lord - who is not ashamed of Him, who can speak boldly about what He is doing in his life, a man who trusts in Him.
  2. A man who is passionate about his work. Just like me.
  3. A man who is positive and flexible. Someone who can find creative ways to put things in right perspective.
  4. A man who is forgiving and patient. Because for sure, I’ll screw up.
  5. A man who is committed to personal development, always willing to learn and to be changed. Searching his heart before the Lord is one of his best habits.
  6. A man who is driven by a vision. He is a planner, and he has ambition.
  7. A man who loves the Word of God, so he could teach me and we can learn together.
  8. A man who is interested about my life. I’m a listener, just as I am a talker. I feel freedom when I am able to listen just as I could talk. This for me is an indicator of intimacy.
  9. A man who is not afraid to confront truth.  He may not have mastered the art of doing it in love at all times, but he would like to get there.
I don’t know if you exist. But for sure, there exists a woman who desires to be this person. That woman is me. I know that when I meet you, I will recognize you. Because I will see our Father in you. And I will see myself in you, too.

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