Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Receiving Love

Galatians 6:9 - And let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not give up.

One of the things that I noticed about human beings is their ability to GIVE LOVE EASILY. However, to receive love is a different story. It seems to harder to do.

Why is it difficult to receive love? I have listed down my personal principles of receiving love. Hopefully, as I grow older, my list gets better, and more grounded on wisdom and understanding.

  1. Be wise to discern between love that expects something (or everything) from you vs. love that is freely given. The former has the intent to trap you, and will demand from you soon, if not, very soon. It will bring guilty feelings and will make you feel responsible. As if you owe them. The latter does not add any burden to you. If you encounter the former, don’t get too close.
  2. To those who love freely, accept their love because it is a pleasure for them to give. Accept it so that they do not feel like they owe you. Make your friendship with them light, and a wonderful thing to keep.
  3. To those whom you accept love from, give them the best of your love — TIME. Lots of it. Give them best quantity and quality time. Not half-baked, but pure and undefiled attention. Share with them memories, laughter, sorrows and victories.
  4. Observe them, and watch their habits. Sincerely know them for who they are. They are a keeper.
I chose the verse above because I know what I will reap. Love. The real one.

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I Can Do All Things

Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things because of Messiah who strengthens me. 

Hello. If you are reading this, I am guessing you are one of these people:

  1. You are currently struggling, believing that what is before you is conquerable, and you are waiting patiently for your day of deliverance.
  2. You are suffering from self-sufficiency, you know you can do all things, sometimes, taking all the credit. You know in your heart that all the credit does not belong to you, but you don’t know how to position yourself.
  3. You are both 1 and 2, and you are probably feeling very tired and exhausted. And you desperately need some rest.
I do not have a word of encouragement for you that will make all of your struggles go away. However, I am offering you companionship, that whatever you are going through, you are not alone. I hope that your day of deliverance comes, and it comes quickly. I pray that you would overcome yourself, and know for sure that your strength is from Above. I pray that you will find rest for your soul, and you will have peace that transcends all understanding. I may not know who you are, but I am celebrating in advance with you for that day to come to you.

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Isa 61:1 - The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor; He has sent me to heal the broken-hearted… 

Broken. It’s one word that best describes the world and the human condition. Yet, many of us, if not, most of us do not know that we are. We live in a generation that believes “all is well.” We are trained to “think positive.” However, it diminishes man’s sense of truth and the ability to confront it. Hence, our generation finds it virtually impossible to accept this — “I am broken.”

Why do we not want to accept this? Is it because broken people appear weak, and we are expected to be “strong”? Is it because we are afraid no one will help us? Is it because we hardly hear people talk about this, and it would make us appear… different? Is it because we don’t seem to have a human solution for brokenness, and the people who seem to have figured it out offers a God solution?

What if we really are broken and what we need is a God solution?

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Monday, September 7, 2015

Rested and Grateful (Day 14)

A wise woman once shared that it is good for us to set up memorial stones for the milestones of our lives.  Just as Joshua Ben Nun did in the Old Testament (Tanakh) in every major victory that he conquered with the Israelites.

So today, I am setting a memorial stone to remember the events that happened last week, the first week of September.  It was a very refreshing week, considering that it was preceded by weeks of confusion and disappointment.

Things that I am grateful for:
  1. Seeing things that were planned to come into fruition - especially at work
  2. Knowing that in my hidden sorrows, God hears me and answers me differently than I expected.  And it always turns out way better than I imagined.
  3. Having the most beautiful friendships that I could ever ask for - where we share sleepless nights, memories, loads of laughter, stories and perceptions, our personal relationship with the Lord... and lots of food and blessings.
  4. Receiving God's provision and answered prayers in the most unexpected way where I can experience God's love to the fullest - until where my heart is capable of accepting, and even more.
  5. Hearing from family far away, yet, I feel their heart, their breath, their emotions as if they are right in front of me.
These things made me realize that the most important thing in life is relationships.  As a woman who values excellence in everything, I learned that I must strive excellence first in relationships more than anything.  To get to that point, I must learn His ways of doing this - not the ways that I know that pleases my flesh.

My love tank is overflowing today.  Praise the Lord.

Top-left: view of Netanya with my thermos from a wonderful friend with a very beautiful heart.  Top-right: Sept 6 morning, I woke up for the third time seeing rainbows.  No pictures taken from the other 2 days.  Bottom: Breathtaking view from the 10/F balcony.

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